Kyle Crane/Original Female Character(s).

Tafferling Fandoms: Dying Light (Video Game), Dying Light 2 Stay Human - Fandom Language: English Words: 54,162 Chapters: 10/? Comments: 6 Kudos: 17 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 381 Being in Villador for most of my life has provided me both with safety and a burning yearn to see what the world has become outside of the ginormous walls that surround the last city standing. Especially when you can't go more than a few minutes without being in UV light or else you will lose all of your humanity. 'Living' in a post apocalyptic world with most of humanity either dead or a decaying walking corpse is terrible.

I am Marcus Adams, I am 22 years old, and currently working as a ‘doctor’ in the Bazaar.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.Nekophiliacs Fandoms: Dying Light (Video Game) Hakon was trailing after Aiden, even as Aiden expressed his distaste for the man with such fluctuating loyalties and the inability to tell the truth. you cannot tell me that hakon wasn't flirting with aiden.Īiden left Villedor, with Lawan and Frank in charge of the Nightrunners. i showed up too soon and there aren't enough hakon/aiden fics and so i apparently decided to write my own. In my docs this is called "hakon/aiden but i'm dying" guys i genuinely don't know where i'm going with this. this is what happens when i show up too soon in a fandom.

Ambyssall Fandoms: Dying Light (Video Game), Dying Light 2 - Fandom